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Daniella & Dasnia

“Being part of Journey’s Girl Talk call was so much fun! All of the girls were very accepting and authentic, and we connected on so many things! I learned very practical lessons from her and the other girls, and I use what I learned from the call almost every day. I looked forward to the calls every week! Thank you so much Journey!"

Daniela Riddle

”Having my daughter Daniela be a part of the Girl Talk was such a great way for her to connect with exceptional girls from around the world! Journey is a great role model for the young girls that got to be apart of the Girl Talk! We love her so much and are grateful for the opportunity to be apart of the program!”

Dasnia Riddle

Ashley & Family

We have had the great pleasure in getting to know Journey over the past couple of years. She is truly an incredible woman who has a huge passion for working with children and young adults. We have witnessed first hand how her gifted communication skills and intuitiveness has created a safe and magical environment for kids to connect, express and share their feelings. We highly recommend her program for any parents and children looking to expand their communities and grow themselves in a safe and nurturing environment. We are excited to see Journey’s vision evolve and the massive impact she will have on the world.

Alessandra & Sandra 

Alessandra's experience with Journey's group was a very enjoyable and fun learning experience. Through this experience, she has learned much more about herself, her feelings while identifying clear visions of her dreams and the future which lies ahead of her. And all of this while meeting and making great new friends too!


Journey is a fantastic mentor and we would like to recommend her guidance and mentorship to any young girl to join in, into this program.


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